Sunday, December 30, 2012

Download the December 30 Ta Yp' Opsin news podcast

The December 30 Ta Yp' Opsin (Consider These) news roundup podcast (in Greek) available for download:
This week on Ta Yp' Opsin:
- “Fiscal cliff” and "poison pills"
-  Greece: the saga of the Lagarde list
- the year 2012 in review
- the irrelevant diplomacy for Syria
- shred your bad memories on New Year’s Eve
- the top words of the year
- pet lovers, Jacob Zuma and racism
- the “36m euros a year” divorce
- stroke victim uncovers hidden abilities
- China and the 5th commandment
Download here:
Ta Yp’Opsin (Consider These) weekly podcast with Greek Chicago journalists Elena Spilioti and George Zorbas. Discussion, analysis and great music!
(Podcasting is the new face of radio journalism; a podcast is similar to a news radio program, delivers information on a regular basis and can even be listened to directly on your computer or smartphone. To listen to our Ta Yp’Opsin podcast, simply click the link to the podcast and choose to download it to your computer safely from Google in mp3 format, ready to listen to and replay at any time)
Like our Ta Yp’Opsin (Consider These) Facebook page:
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!

Ta Yp'Opsin Dec 23

Στα Υπ’ ‘Οψιν της 23 Δεκεμβρίου, συζητάμε

-ΗΠΑ: Δάσκαλοι: εκπαίδευση στα ..όπλα! Αυτό προτείνουν οι υπέρ
-Οι δύο Κορέες, η κόρη και ο γιός
-Δημοσιονομικός γκρεμός για ...αργότερα
-Αίγυπτος: Δημοψήφισμα: νίκη Μόρσι ή η αρχή του τέλους;
-Και ξαφνικά όλοι συμπαθούν τους Έλληνες: πόσο θα κρατήσει;

Και τη δεύτερη ώρα, μεταξύ άλλων:
-Τα Χριστούγεννα του φωταγωγημένου σκύλου
-Ο ταβάριτς Ντεπαρντιέ
-Ο Στρος-Κάν σε νέες περιπέτειες: τώρα και ...ηθοποιός – πριν;
- Κέϊκ αγιασμένο από καλόγερους: μόνο $31 χωρίς ΦΠΑ

Ακούστε μας στο

Για πληροφόρηση, συζήτηση και πολλή μουσική! 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Download the December 23 Ta Yp' Opsin podcast

The December 23 Ta Yp' Opsin (Consider These) news roundup podcast (in Greek) available for download:

This week on Ta Yp' Opsin:

- NRA doubles down

- “Fiscal cliff”: So what now?

-  Greece: cautious and optimistic

- Al Qaeda’s comeback in Syria

- The challenges of SKorea's new president

- The USPS "Letters to Santa" program

- Sex, the dead and the law

- The failed relationships exhibition

- The “likes” of internet Ayatollah

- Blessed fruitcakes and $500 million bounced checks

- Gerard Depardieu’s fleeing options

Download here:


Ta Yp’Opsin (Consider These) weekly podcast with Greek Chicago journalists Elena Spilioti and George Zorbas. Discussion, analysis and great music!

(Podcasting is the new face of radio journalism; a podcast is similar to a news radio program, delivers information on a regular basis and can even be listened to directly on your computer or smartphone. To listen to our Ta Yp’Opsin podcast, simply click the link to the podcast and choose to download it to your computer safely from Google in mp3 format, ready to listen to and replay at any time)

Like our Ta Yp’Opsin (Consider These) Facebook page:

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Second Economic Adjustment Programme for Greece – First Review

The latest official review of Greece's economy by the European Commission, called "The Second Economic Adjustment Programme for Greece – First Review", starts by explaining how the Greek economy performed worse than expected, due to political instability (the two general elections) and the weakness of the global economy. It warns that Greece's tax collection system is failing to meet its targets, and that privatizations have been disappointing. It pays tribute to Antonis Samaras's government, before warning that there are very large "implementation risks" to the program. The full review here:

-The Guardian

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Download the December 16 Ta Yp' Opsin podcast

The December 16 Ta Yp' Opsin (Consider These) news roundup podcast (in Greek) available for download:

In the First Hour of Ta Yp' Opsin:

- The visit of evil in Newtown, CT and the gun control rhetoric

- Taxes, entitlements and the fiscal cliff

- The Obama administration reopens the regulations pipeline

-Greece: the check is in the mail, Tsipras brushes up his Spanish

- Constitutional instability in Egypt, part I

- The social media response to Papal tweets


Plus, in the Second Hour:

- The end of the world and apocalyptic prophecies

- Peppermint pigs and 'Lap Dancing for the Needy'

- The U.S. military weeds out obese soldiers

- Goodbye messages to non-human companions

- Vodka-drinking elephants and wine-tasting monkeys

- A crucified Ronald McDonald in Russia

- Cocaine-stuffed breast implants


Download here:



Ta Yp’Opsin (Consider These) weekly podcast with Greek Chicago journalists Elena Spilioti and George Zorbas. Discussion, analysis and great music!


(Podcasting is the new face of radio journalism; a podcast is similar to a news radio program, delivers information on a regular basis and can even be listened to directly on your computer or smartphone. To listen to our Ta Yp’Opsin podcast, simply click the link to the podcast and choose to download it to your computer safely from Google in mp3 format, ready to listen to and replay at any time)


Like our Ta Yp’Opsin (Consider These) Facebook page:

The Fear Within

After the horrific killings in Newtown, Connecticut, a gun control debate is inevitable in the U.S.
Proposed measures are sure to include strict waiting periods to purchase a gun, limits on the number of firearms a person can buy or own,  ban of certain weapons, etc.
No word ever, no solution provided for the problems that will persist even after the -unlikely- event of a weapons ban: what do we do for the fear that has nested in some people's hearts and the tremor as they reach for their treasured weapons, the only protection they believe in... a gun culture where parents  introduce guns to kids and teach them how to use them... the glorification of an abandon-reason-and- reach-for-your-gun mentality... the neglect of a child's mental care needs... the trauma of divorce on kids that goes unnoticed... people who chose to barricade their lives, without the risks (and benefits) of reaching out.
Tbere are no measures introduced, no bills drafted to end this war within.
The 26 lives lost on the morning of December 14, 2012 will forever remind us that evil had reached that little town in Connecticut long before that Friday, fear had nested in some  hearts long ago.
Our house, our town, our schools and streets are not immune to that fear within. We are not immune. But we should be taking preventive measures, know the symptoms and help the fearful.
Twenty six children and adults will help us along the way.

-George Zorbas

Sunday, December 9, 2012