Monday, September 30, 2013

The September 29 news roundup podcast Ta Yp' Opsin (Consider These)

This week on the podcast Ta Yp' Opsin:
- An interview with constitutional law expert and professor of public law at Democritus University George Katrougalos about the Golden Dawn raids and the poisoned political scene in Greece

- Austria's centrist coalition will keep on governing
- Italian PM Enrico Letta's prospects for survival
- an autumn of drama and turbulence in the U.S.
- Obamacare goes live October 1st. What you need to know
- Rouhani’s and Obama’s conciliatory approach
- Syria’s chemical weapons unite the UN

- stadiums built over the bodies of workers in Qatar
- no bikinis for Miss World, try the sarongs instead
- who’s behind the wheel of
- birth tourism,  Krokodil effects and twerking rules
- 'Patient Dumping' and songs from the grave
- gay-unfriendly pasta and tweets from Jesus

Download and listen here:

Ta Yp’Opsin (Consider These) weekly podcast (in Greek) with Chicago journalists Elena Spilioti and George Zorbas. News, interviews, commentary and great music!

“Like” our Ta Yp’Opsin (Consider These) Facebook page:

Τα Υπ΄ Όψιν της 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

«Από τους συνταγματολόγους πρέπει να ζητάμε συνέπεια, όχι ομοφωνία: ομοφωνία υπάρχει μόνο στους στρατιωτικούς λόγους και στα νεκροταφεία.» «Οι μόνες δικτατορίες που φαίνονται σήμερα να είναι επικίνδυνες είναι οι δικτατορίες των αγορών»  «Παρακολουθήσεις: στην Ελλάδα δεν υπάρχει Patriot Act». Αυτή την εβδομάδα στα Υπ΄ Όψιν, μαζί με τελευταίες ειδήσεις από όλο τον κόσμο, ακούστε την συνέντευξη με τον συνταγματολόγο καθηγητή  Γιώργο Κατρούγκαλο για την πολυγνωμία στην υπόθεση Χρυσή Αυγή, τους νοσταλγούς της δικτατορίας και τις παρακολουθήσεις εν καιρώ ειρήνης.

Και στο δεύτερο μέρος, μεταξύ άλλων,

-Τα θανάσιμα εργοτάξια του Κατάρ
- Οι  αμερικανίδες  παρένθετες  μητέρες γεννούν πανάκριβα ψηλά κινεζάκια: η νέα μόδα στην χώρα της πρώην πολιτιστικής επανάστασης
- ΗΠΑ: Πολιτείες αλληλομηνύονται για ανεπιθύμητους  εκαταλελειμμένους ασθενείς
- Μ. Βρετανία: Ζητείται ευσυνείδητος κουδιστής ρολογιών για να  ξέρει η βασίλισσα τί ώρα να..φύγει
- Βατικανό: Ο Ιησούς ήταν ο πρώτος  twitter!

Τα Υπ΄Όψιν με τους δημοσιογράφους Έλενα Σπηλιώτη και Γιώργο Ζορμπά για πληροφόρηση, συνεντεύξεις και αναλύσεις  στην τοπική κια διεθνή επικαιρότητα.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Τα Υπ΄Όψιν της 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Στα Υπ΄Όψιν  αυτής της εβδομάδας, ακούστε:

-Συνέντευξη του κοινωνιολόγου ομότιμου καθηγητή του Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου Βασίλη Φίλια  σχετικά με την Χρυσή Αυγή
-Συνέντευξη του J.Kirkegaard του  Peterson Institute for International Economics ειδικού ερευνητή για τα θέματα της ευρωζώνης για τον ρόλο της Γερμανίας στην Ευρώπη, το μέλλον των φιλοευρωπαϊκών κομμάτων και της ακροδεξιάς στις επόμενες εθνικές και ευρωπαϊκές εκλογές.

Στο podcast Τα Υπ΄Όψιν συζητάμε και για
-τα αποτελέσματα των γερμανικών εκλογών
-την ιρανική επίθεση φιλίας στη Δύση
-τα επόμενα βήματα της Συρίας

Και στο δεύτερο μέρος, μεταξύ άλλων:

- Τα παιδικά καλλιστεία: υποστηρικτές και πολέμιοι συγκρούονται στη Γαλλία
- Οι Τυνήσιες και ο ιερός ερωτικός πόλεμος που στηρίζει τους τζιχαντιστές
- Οι νέοι παραλογισμοί των πλαστικών εγχειρήσεων
- Η βελγική ασυνεννοησία για στάδια και κινέζικα πάντα
 - Η μαφία που πληρώνει πρόστιμα εισιτηρίων

Ακούστε Τα υπ΄Όψιν με τους δημοσιογράφους Ελενα Σπηλιώτη και Γιώργο Ζορμπά για ενημέρωση, συνεντεύξεις και αναλύσεις  σε θέματα της επικαιροτητας αυτή την εβδομάδα στο 

Cookisto: A new Greek way of getting dinner

Monday, September 16, 2013

Tα Υπ’ Όψιν της 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Στα Υπ’ Όψιν της 15 Σεπτεμβρίου, ο DrJacob Kirkegaard, ειδικός ερευνητής για τα θέματα της ευρωζώνης στο Peterson Institute for International Econοmics στην Washington DC μιλά για το ελληνικό χρέος και νέο πακέτο στήριξης καθώς και για την επικείμενη νέα σύνθεση της Τρόϊκα.
Το δεύτερο μέρος της συνέντευξης σχετικά με τον ρόλο της Γερμανίας στην Ευρώπη και το μέλλον των ελληνικών φιλοευρωπαϊκών κομμάτων θα μεταδοθεί στα Υπ΄Όψιν της 22 Σεπτεμβρίου.
Ακούστε Τα Υπ΄Όψιν με την Έλενα Σπηλιώτη και τον Γιώργο Ζορμπά για
ενημέρωση και αναλύσεις στην ελληνική και παγκόσμια επικαιρότητα.

Ta Yp Opsin ( Consider These) of Sept 15 2013

In Ta Yp Opsin ( Consider These) of Sept 15, Dr. Jacob Kirkegaard, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics on Washington DC and expert on the European Economies talks about the Greek debt, the new aid package and the eventual restructuring of the TROIKA. Listen to the first part of the interview in
The second part of the interview on the role of Germany in the EU and the future of the Euro-friendly national political parties will broadcast in next week’s Sept 22 podcast.
Listen to Ta Yp Opsin ( Consider These) news roundup with Chicago journalists Elena Spilioti and George Zorbas for information and analyses on current affairs.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

CONSIDER THESE consider SYRIA: Intervention postponed?

It is indeed boring to hear that Obama stepped back after having decided to strike Syria.  Instead facts show that he used every tool he had to gain time for a political solution even if currently Russia looks like the peace broker in the region this time.
During this valuable historic week between the attack which certainly obliged him to publicly assure the world that he was going to remain true to his commitment to act and the return of Congress from their summer recess on September 9th, he had the chance to assess that there was no support for this initiative. He did go through the motions of briefing members of the Congress on Aug 30th, 31st, September 1st and Sept 2nd and announcing that he wants to share the responsibility with Congress – as he is entitled by the constitution to act alone if he so chooses, he is equally entitled not to use this right if he decides not to - and then he met with Putin – all that before the 9th.
Britain’s Milliband told journalist Christian Amanpur that it was the decisiveness of the US government that persuaded Putin that they were serious about the attack and led him to make this offer – which was immediately taken up by Syria – the country has already promised to join the chemical weapons’ convention with Russia assuming the responsibility to monitor Syria’s promise.

Whether one decides to believe this or not is not that important at this point. The important thing is that even if it takes a very long time to have the Syrian chemical weapons destroyed, now Assad’s alliances are in a different place. – for now.

In his second presidency Obama has acquired the experience that intensification in war does not necessarily guarantee success. In order to avoid an unsupported intervention in a country which balances extremism with legitimate rebellion, sometimes leadership may have to be flexible.

Isn’t it reasonable to think that Assad would save face accepting a suggestion to submit his chemical arsenal to the west that came from his ally Russia instead from the USA?
Isn’t it reasonable to think that the UN Security Council can now come to a resolution without any veto distractions if asked to impose on Syria to turn over its chemical weapons to the west in complete declaration while warning of heavy sanctions in case of disobedience? (France is already drafting the question as Obama was speaking.)  A question to invade Syria would never get a positive answer and this international organization would seem - and be - incapable to help.

If this doesn’t work, Obama will have to reveal the evidence that Assad gassed his people – because the American people demand to know - and things may then take the course of war. Time meanwhile will tip the situation with the now quasi-willing countries one way or another and the US Congress will then share the responsibility for the final decision.

Timing was everything again – should one thank the stars that the chemical weapons attack happened while Congress was in recess? Maybe. It is not easy to guarantee that an intervention will not go down a slippery slope. An intervention in a civil war is not a ballet on eggshells where one targets what one should and successfully avoids what one shouldn’t:  anything can go wrong any time. The military knows that and people who have been in war-torn countries know that too.

Having said that, one cannot ignore the question of the Syrian rebels which remains unanswered: “Chemical weapons killed 1500 – conventional ones have killed 100,000. Why hasn’t the west intervened sooner?”

-By Elena Spilioti for Ta Yp Opsin ( Consider These) podcast

Listen to Ta Yp Opsin news roundup with journalists Elena Spilioti and George Zorbas for information, interviews and analyses on current affairs.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Ta Yp Opsin ( Consider These) news roundup of September 8 2013

Ιn Ta Yp Opsin ( Consider These) news roundup  of September 8 2013  listen to the interview with Dr.Evangelos Venetis, Head of the Middle East Research Program at ELIAMEP on Syria, Greece, the international organizations and the Arab Spring

Dr. Evangelos Venetis is currently a Senior Research Associate in Islamic and Iranian studies at the School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies, the University of Leiden, the Netherlands. He received his first degree in history (1999) and an MA in history from the University of Ioannina, Greece. He holds a PhD in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies from the Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, the University of Edinburgh, UK (2006). His research interests deal with the Islamic world, the Shiite Islam, the Iranian world and the Greek diaspora in the Middle East. Venetis’s publications include books and articles on various aspects of modern and pre-modern Middle Eastern Studies, including his recently completed monograph on the History of Hellenism in Modern Iran (19th – 21st c.) which is in print.

Stay with Ta Yp Opsin with Chicago journalists Elena Spilioti and George Zorbas for  information and analysis on current affairs and lots of great music!   

Τα Υπ’ Όψιν της 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Στα Υπ’ Όψιν αυτής της εβδομάδας, ο καθηγητής Ευάγγελος Βενέτης, Υπεύθυνος του Ερευνητικού Προγράμματος Μέσης Ανατολής του ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ, μιλά για τη Συρία, τους διεθνείς οργανισμούς, την Ελλάδα και την Αραβική Άνοιξη.

Ο Δρ. Ευάγγελος Βενέτης διδάσκει ισλαμικές και μεσανατολικές σπουδές στην Σχολή Ασιατικών, Αφρικανικών και Αμερικανο-ινδικών Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου Λέϊντεν της Ολλανδίας. Σπούδασε ιστορία (1999) και μεταπτυχιακά στον ίδιο κλάδο στο Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων (2001). Έλαβε τον διδακτορικό του τίτλο στις ισλαμικές και μεσανατολικές σπουδές από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Εδιμβούργου, Ην. Βασίλειο (2006). Τα ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα αφορούν στον ισλαμικό κόσμο, το σηϊτικό Ισλάμ, τον ιρανικό κόσμο και την ελληνική διασπορά στην Μ. Ανατολή. Έχει συγγράψει βιβλία και άρθρα για διάφορες θέματα της Μ. Ανατολής κατά την σύγχρονη και μεσαιωνική περίοδο, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της υπό έκδοση μονογραφίας Ο Ελληνισμός στο σύγχρονο Ιράν (19ος – 21ος αι.).

 Ακούστε Τα Υπ’ Όψιν με τους δημοσιογράφους Έλενα Σπηλιώτη και Γιώργο Ζορμπά για ενημέρωση και ανάλυση σε θέματα της επικαιρότητας  και  για πολλή, καλή μουσική!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Τα Υπ' Όψιν της 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Αυτή την εβδομάδα στα  Υπ΄Όψιν, μεταξύ άλλων, συζητάμε:

-Επέμβαση στη Συρία:  οφέλη και απώλειες
- Οι ΗΠΑ  – και όχι μόνο - σε δίλημμα: δύσκολο Ναι, δύσκολο Όχι
-Ρωσία, Κίνα, Ιράν: Γιατί επιμένουν  υπέρ του Άσσαντ?
-Μέρκελ-Στάϊνμπρουκ:  το debate όπου μπορεί να κέρδισε η..Ελλάδα
-Τριάντα εννέα χρόνια ΠΑΣΟΚ: επέτειος  με συνέδριο ελπίδας σε άγονη γραμμή

Ακούστε Τα Υπ΄Όψιν με την Έλενα Σπηλιώτη και το Γιώργο Ζορμπά αυτή την εβδομάδα στο

Ενημέρωση, συζήτηση και πολλή μουσική!

The September 1 2013 news roundup Ta Yp Opsin ( Consider These)

This week in the podcast Ta Yp Opsin (Consider These)

-The plus and the minus of an attack on Syria
-US Congress divided again: is the attack crucial for the US national defense?
-Why Russia, China, Iraq support Assad
-Merkel-Steinbruck: Did Greece win the debate?
-PASOK thirty-nine years: anniversary with the conference of hope for the future of the Greek  center-left

Download Ta Yp Opsin with Chicago journalists Elena Spilioti and George Zorbas this week from

for information and discussion on current affairs and lots of good music!

CONSIDER THESE consider; ATTACK ON SYRIA:Questions asked and to be asked

-Obama delays decision by one week to get Congress’s approval and authorization although he is constitutionally covered to act independently: is it a thoughtful move since the question of intervening in the internal affairs of  a sovereign state for violation of international agreements and humanitarian emergency at all costs (meaning: not considering the consequences in the other countries of the region and beyond-see eventual retaliations against Western interests or current internal repercussions in France) has been answered differently by different schools of thought – or is it a retreat?
-If resolutions of the UN Security Council can be bypassed, should the role of certain international organizations be reviewed? Or would reviewing them open Pandora’s Box and the mere process could be manipulated to accommodate different interests at different circumstances?
-Congress authorizes attack: will the US act with the support of merely France, Turkey and the blessings of Australia and the Arab League that so far have only expressed dismay over the chemical warfare?
-Congress does not or it narrowly authorizes attack: what will this mean for the dissidents within the two parties, the president and the role of USA as a global player?
-Attack happens: what are the targets? Military installations may be easily located and will still be there even after one week, but what if some targeted buildings are used as shelters for civilians? How will the missile tell what to hit if the use of the building has been modified? Will the presidential palace be a target too? Artillery though can and allegedly is already being moved around and eventually into shelters that are too difficult to locate in the Syrian mountains. In this case will the one-week delay of strike  
-Attack happens: it has to be brief unless Congress has authorized war. What if despite any Syrian casualties Assad celebrates the end of the brief attack as his regime’s victory against the American invasion?
-Attack happens: the message that the US is serious against perpetrators of similar chemical warfare has been sent again through the  Iraq war ( Saddam also used chemicals against his people).Regimes do not seem to have been listening. Would they listen now?
-Attack happens yet rebels’ ranges include extremists such as Al Nusra (although this one not that popular any more): how can the US continue to fight against the Islamists in other countries if in Syria it attacks Assad’s regime that attacks Islamist groups?
-Attack happens or it doesn’t:  is there a foreign policy plan for the Middle East region or is the US blackmailed into engaging in undesirable wars through the use of chemical weapons by any group that pressures the big international players to take sides?
-Is this week of delay Obama’s way to postpone an immediate “jerky” response while a diplomatic/political solution is being considered?
It is going to be a long, long controversial  Fall.

-by Elena Spilioti for Ta Yp Opsin (Consider These)
Stay with the podcast Ta Yp Opsin ( Consider These) with journalists Elena Spilioti and George Zorbas for more questions on current affairs.