Wednesday, October 2, 2013

CONSIDER THESE consider: Golden Dawn aura and the betrayal of trust

Despite the doubts and the compromise scenarios generated by recent release on bail of  three of the most prominent members of Golden Dawn, it could be that the money-laundering charge is the more powerful tool to dissuade the more convinced among Golden Dawn’s circumstantial voters: violence against offenders or alleged offenders is often justified by those defended against “lawless illegal immigrants”. But equally as or even more than the evident involvement in the fatal stabbing of a white Greek anti-Dawn rapper, the betrayal of the trust placed with the “defenders” may be difficult to forgive: money-laundering together with the accusations for other forms of protection, elective discrimination against immigrants and lack of transparency in the origin of the financial resources may help some of the recent Golden Dawn voters to look elsewhere for a party to represent them against the three-year long ordeal they have been experiencing in the lack of efficient social policy. It could be the beginning of a reform of the political landscape with an element of surprise: the points lost by the Golden Dawn after Fyssas’ death in the polls in the first few days after the assassination seem to have been transferred to KKE and DHMAR, not to the government or the major opposition party. This can be a pivotal moment and the perspective recipient parties could be expected to live up to unusually high expectations. 

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